Cards against equality.
Changing the game.

Equality is a hot topic these days.
Cards Against Equality is the name of the debate about equality held by Más Mujeres Creativas platform in Club de Creativos 2018, moderated by Emma Pueyo with Monica Moro, Guille Viglione, Laura Sampedro and Chacho Puebla as key participants.
Using the politically incorrect mechanics of the popular game Cards Against Humanity, the objective was to find out why everyone agrees with the equality speech, but reality stubornly stays unequal.
Before the debate, everyone could say their own in MMC and cdec's facebook pages.
The responses were included in the debate.

Creative Direction:
Emma Pueyo
Art direction:
Jaume Leis
Hugo Olivera
Anna Roca
Client and spiritual guidance:
Concha Wert